Monday, February 5, 2018

Comparing Two Universities Sexual Assault Information

While the documentary The Hunting Ground talked about larger universities I wanted to compare two universities that are small and large. For the small school I chose Lewis University and for the large school I chose University of North Carolina, the reason I chose UNC was because in the documentary it was the first university to have students stand up against the university. When looking at the Lewis University website (that is linked below) it had a large amount of information including what is classified as each type of sexual misconduct. The Lewis University website explains everything in detail so anyone can understand the differences and every thing can be processed and filed correctly. The website for Lewis University also has outside and on-campus resources listed to help anyone and they even have specifics for Title IX and someone who handles Title IX specifically. The website goes though the steps that will then be taken after a report is made and also what may happen to the accused.
Lewis University Sexual Misconduct Policy for Students

Looking at the University of North Carolina website(linked below)it was completely different then the Lewis University it is very short and only really tells you where to go in order to report. This was surprising to me because of how often people report that UNC did nothing when they reported sexual assault. Comparing these two universities shows how much they really care about their students knowing the process about reporting sexual assault and what will happen after they report.


  1. Ariana,

    I found your post very helpful in case I know of anyone going through a similar situation! I learned something new! Thanks :)

    I think it is very surprising because you would think a big school has all the information Lewis provided due to the amount of students attending UNC. I am very grateful to know Lewis cares about their students.

  2. Hi Ariana,
    I found your blog post very interesting. I think it is interesting how you decided to compare a smaller university to a larger one and I like how you chose Lewis, so people who go here like we all do are able to see and understand what you are talking about and get some information on it. That is very interesting on how you found out that UNC did nothing when they reported sexual assault, it is interesting because of the sizes of the school. Thanks for sharing!
